Thursday, August 28, 2008

Photos of the past Samson reunions courtesy of cousin Ruben Samson

Click on photo to enlarge and see if you can still recognize them all. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hi! (sorry, I don't know who the moderator of the site is.. tito ruben? tito vic?)

Anyway po, how come the last picture can't be clicked? The one of great grandfather Pablo?

This is nikki samson-diyco by the way, Albert's youngest. I'm 4 months pregnant now and have been thinking of making a family tree. Those were really great pictures of the samson reunions (gosh my dad had such wacky hairstyles)

hope you can get the picture to work so I can use it for my family tree. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oops Tito Benjie pala ang moderator.. Last time I saw you po I think was at Australia pa? Not sure hmm... Hi again!

- Nikki

p.s. also have my own "pregnancy blog".. posted some wedding pictures there. here's one with my parents (so you can see them all spiffied up! hehe). Tito Noel Carino was one of our ninongs.

Me said...

Hi Nikki, it's me, Tita Lolit, wife of Tito Vic, cousin of your dad and son of Lola Gloria. The moderator is not Tito Benjie, not Tito Vic, and no, not Tito Ruben. It's me. I'm the creator, author and moderator but anyone in our can also be the author, writer or contributor. That would be good since I created this for the whole clan to connect and enjoy. By the way, cool site you created at Multiply. I will go ahead and link it here.

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